Sunday, November 9, 2008

in search of...

i am in search of the following things:

  1. new laptop
    *this computer is from early 2003 and is SOOOOO slow
    any suggestions?

  2. female orange kitten
    *lilah needs a friend

  3. 30+ mason jars

  4. someone to ice 400 funfetti cupcakes the week of the wedding
    *i can make & freeze them ahead of time, but i am NOT going to want to ice them.
    *or even, someone to make them for me...that won't charge upwards of $1.50-$2 for ONE CUPCAKE (which is what one baker told us). the entire box of funfetti doesn't cost that!

  5. new camera
    *mine is from high school and takes FOUR batteries (= cumbersome)
    *i spilled applesauce on it one time at the lake and the zoom hasn't been the same since
    *any suggestions?


Cameron said...

emily!!!! i wish you had posted this yesterday!! i subscribe to this website's emails - - it posts black friday ads through the holidays. they sent me a pre-black friday ad yesterday and they had laptops that are usually $450 - 550 on sale for $300!! but we bought the last one in lexington yesterday morning at 9:30!

subscribe to that website's emails and you might find out about more!!

Cameron said...

also, i would be happy to help you with cupcakes!!! i will make them or ice them or whatever!!! i would just be happy to help!! i love you guys!!!

Unknown said...

let me think, was it banana applesauce you were eating without a spoon?

Mrs. Needham said...

will definately help with the cupcakes. Why don't you find 4 people and just spread the responsibility that way nobody has to do (or transport) too much.

Put me down for 100 :-)

Eric said...

DELL Laptop, Inspiron 1420. Custom made for no more than $750...