Best of the week: going to the post pool, Skyping with the fam on Fajah's Day
Worst of the week: being overwhelmed + cranky, Chris working a lot
Symptoms: nesting, fatigue, leaking, lower back pain, crankiness, possible Braxton Hicks?
All About Amelia
New developments: baby hiccups!, playing at night when she's really active.
Movement: sharp, quick jabs. normal kicks.
Position: she's mostly on my right side or up and down (head down)
Last weight: 1 lb, 10 oz (taken 6/7) - according to growth charts, she should be around 2 lbs now
Growth developments: hearing developed, hair has color/texture (red?!!)
Last heart rate: 157 bpm (taken 6/9)
Mamacita's Details
Weight: -6 from pre-pregnancy weight
Cravings: fruit, cinnamon
Fundal height: 22.5 cm (taken 6/9)
What I Miss: wearing t-shirts with nothing underneath ;)
Sleep: eh. seems to be the return of fatigue. sleeping about 5-6 hrs at night + 2 naps in the day
Clothes of the week: Sports bra and underwear - it's been HOT!
Music of the week: Elton John, vuvuzelas on TV
Coming Soon...
What I'm looking forward to: Mom & Dad visiting next week, dr's appt on 7/8
Next on the medical horizon: getting labs done (Glucose Tolerance Test, blood work, urine protein check for BP)
Dates: Dr appt: 7/8, Ultrasound: 7/30, Chris home: ~9/20, Due date: 9/24