1/3 c brown sugar
1 nine-inch pie shell
And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand, They danced by the light of the moon, the moon, the moon. They danced by the light of the moon.
i love making lists. of everything. seriously, look back through my blog and see how many bulleted lists i made. i also really need to have the items in a list in ABC order.
here is espn's absurd sports quotes from 08. a few of my favorites:
25. "Then why are you covering the [Washington] Nationals?"
Speaker: Presidential candidate Ralph Nader
Context: Nader to The Washington Post, after the paper decided not to cover his presidential bid because he had no chance of winning.
Absurd because: Come to think of it, this quote makes perfect sense.
Numerical score: 0
(blogger's note: agreed. and the nationals are actually just made up of the reds' sloppy 2nds)
6. "I think they do it to look good in the lobby in their three-piece suit."
Speaker: Roger Clemens
Context: The Rocket explaining why athletes use performance-enhancing drugs in the first place.
Absurd because: Clemens wore a two-piece suit to subsequent Capitol Hill steroids hearings ... thereby proving his innocence!
Numerical score: 90
(blogger's note: you are a ridiculous person. my kindergarteners have more common sense than you do. you are a disgrace to baseball...not only b/c you broke the rules, but b/c you thought you were ABOVE the rules. i wish you would get pulled over for speeding and land in jail. plus, you are greasy. that is all.)